MEETMED WEEK 2023 from 9-15 May 2023 in Marrakesh, Morocco
9 May, 2023
The meetMED Week (MMW) is the largest annual event of the 2nd phase of the meetMED project (Mitigation Enabling Energy Transition in the Mediterranean region), funded by the European Union, which is dedicated to fostering regional cooperation for energy and climate transition in Southern Eastern Mediterranean Countries.
With the objective of contributing to energy and climate transition in Southern Neighbourhood, through a multiscale, multipartner, inclusive approach, meetMED II activities aim at developing a more stable, efficient, competitive and climate-resilient socio economic environment in Southern mediterranean Countries.
In this context, high-level events known as the meetMED Weeks, will take place once a year for three years in different countries. The main goals are:
- To mobilize and engage national stakeholders, local authorities, private sector operators, civil society and population, at regional and local level,
- To disseminate good practices in building and appliances’ sectors,
- To facilitate the development and replication of energy efficiency measures,
- and to increase public awareness and investments in these sectors.
The meetMED Week will become a flagship event for the entire Mediterranean basin as an ideal place for a high-level political dialogue where policymakers and the most relevant stakeholders will convene to exchange experiences and discuss the next steps for the decarbonization of the region. The series of events focuses on:
- The first “meetMED Week”: was organised in a hybrid format, from March 28th – 31st, 2022 in Cairo, Egypt. It gathered more than 14 organizations and 100 energy experts representing the South and North Shore of the Mediterranean and led to the formulation of Key Messages, focused on how to accelerate the implementation of harmonised EE and RE measures.
- The Second meetMED Week (May 2023): will go furhter in developing demo actions, policy reviews, and recommendations on harmonization and enforcement;
- The Third meetMed Week (March 2024): will focus on the delivering final reports and outputs of the project.
This year, the second edition of meetMED Week (09-11 May 2023) will be held in Marrakesh, Morocco, as a hybrid event, aiming at promoting the commitment of national stakeholders and authorities in the objectives of the meetMED II project.
For more information, visit: