Cool Up - Upscaling Sustainable Cooling

The Royal Scientific Society (RSS), in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment, has begun implementation of the COOL-UP project, to reduce energy consumption in refrigeration and air-conditioning systems in Jordan and to switch to the use of environmentally friendly refrigerants.
The implementation of the project was announced during a meeting held on October 25-26 at the RSS with the participation of all parties involved in its implementation, namely the Ministry of Environment and the RSS, in partnership with the German Company Guidehouse.
The project is funded by the German Ministry of Environment under the framework of the regional COOL-UP Programme.
Energy demand in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is projected to increase by 50 percent by 2040 as a result of climate change, rapidly growing populations, urbanisation, and higher living standards. Cooling represents a large portion of energy consumption and appliances are often inefficient and rely on refrigerants with a high global warming potential. To tackle these problems and mitigate climate change, the Cool Up program promotes accelerated technological change and early implementation of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and Paris Agreement in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey.
The Cool Up approach is based on four pillars:
- Reducing cooling demand,
- Supporting the phase-down of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs),
- Replacing and safely disposing inefficient cooling appliances and refrigerants,
- Improving cooling appliance operation, training and awareness.
The program aims to create catalytic change in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector and ultimately upscale the deployment of sustainable cooling technologies in the market.
Needs and objectives
- Political: Support implementation of Paris Agreement (through NDCs) and Kigali Amendment objectives
- Financial: Develop financial models to boost sustainable cooling
- Technical: Enable natural refrigerants and energy efficient solutions to mitigate the rising cooling demand
Project Data
Country: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey
Implementing organisation: Guidehouse Germany GmbH
Political partner(s):
- Ministry of Environment - Jordan
- Ministry of Environment - Lebanon
- Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation (MoEU) - Turkey
- Ministry of Environment MoE - Egypt
Implementing partner(s):
- Royal Scientific Society / National Energy Research Center
- Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE)
- The Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation (LCEC)
- Istanbul Aydin University
- Integrated Development Group (JSC)
- Frankfurt School of Finance & Management GmbH
- Institut für Luft- und Kältetechnik gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH (ILK Dresden)
- Öko-Recherche GmbH
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
BMU grant: 19.287.784,00 €
Included preparation phase: 756.576,00 €
Duration: 12/2020 till 01/2027
Project Website: