ENI CBC Med BEEP project (BIM for Energy Efficiency in the Public sector)
Donor: EU

BEEP project aims at strengthening the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) to enhance energy efficiency in buildings. The testing of this emerging technology on built heritage will be performed to demonstrate its scalability to the entire building stock. The project will provide public administrations with a powerful method for the energy rehabilitation of public buildings to be supported with private funds through the Energy Performance Contracting.
The project main outcome will be an innovative methodology based on the integration of emerging technologies tested on heritage public buildings.
Project Coordinator:
Institute of Cultural Heritage Sciences – ISPC (former ITABC) of the National Research Council of Italy – CNR (Italy)
Project Partners:
Royal Scientific Society RSS (Jordan)
Minnucci Associati (Italy)
Cyprus Institute CyI (Cyprus)
Valencia Institute of Building IVE (Spain)
Centre for Cultural Heritage Preservation CCHP (Palestine)
Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation LCEC (Lebanon)
Egypt-Japan University of science and Technology E-JUST (Egypt)
More information about BEEP project can be found at:
Website: http://www.enicbcmed.eu/projects/beep
Twitter: @BEEP_EniCbcMed
Project coordinator: CNR ISPC, Elena Gigliarelli elena.gigliarelli@cnr.it / +39 0690672366
Project communication manager: Valencia Institute of Building (IVE), María José Esparza pesparza@five.es / +34 961207531
“This project is funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme”.