MENALINKS: Linking Ambitious Renewable Energy Development and Efficient Sector Coupling in the MENA Region

MENALINKS is a 6-year program under the International Climate Initiative (IKI) sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). It supports the integration and use of renewable energies (RE) to contribute to GHG emissions reduction. MENALINKS is launched in five partner countries: Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, and Türkiye. The program offers technical and policy support and training to improve the grid integration of RE, enhance Smart Grid operation, system flexibility and sector coupling, i.e. the use of RE in end-use sectors such as buildings and industry.
Sector coupling refers to the link between the power sector and end-use sectors such as transport, industry, and buildings. Making energy demand from these sectors more flexible can create a better match with available renewable energy resources and thereby accelerate the transition to cleaner energy sources. Using sector coupling technologies in a smart way can facilitate the grid integration of renewables, promote the decarbonization of various sectors and offer benefits to multiple stakeholder groups.
However, despite their potential, sector coupling, flexibility and smart grid solutions still encounter obstacles like regulatory, technical, and financial barriers. MENALINKS supports its partner countries in identifying and overcoming these challenges to unlock their renewable energy potential and achieve their climate goals while enhancing grid integration, operation, and system flexibility.
The Royal Scientific Society / National Energy Research Centre (NERC) is the national implementing partner of the programme in Jordan.
Project website: